Quickposes является инструментом для всех, кто хочет сосредоточиться на улучшении своих навыков в рисовании. Практикуя рисование жестов вы получаете не только лучшее видение аспектов позы, но также будете строить визуальную библиотеку персонажей и моделей.
Marcus is creative, innovative, clever, and has a wicked sense of humor. Put yourself in his power or in his path at your own risk!
Senshistock is a collection of non-nude references with a Creative Commons license.
If what you're doing isn't working, do the same thing harder.
Artist | Hobbyist | Model | Poet
Draw, and have a great day!
~Women to me are like a blank canvas to Michelangelo ~
Favorite gaming platform ~ heels
making the most unexpected, amazing, sometimes panda-rific stock this side of the Killapuuchuu river.
Beware the hair.
I'm only here to help. That's it.
Professional photographer !
Stan Prokopenko is an artist and teacher. His website www.Proko.com is a great resource for artists to get good art instruction videos.
Love letters to Nature, shall it be oil portrait, landscape or still life...